Saturday, January 10, 2009

Alpha Game - Tampines Safra (10/01/09)

Our vice captain Lim Yong once again lead us with a very encouraging result 3 - 3 for the start of the 2009 season.

Jimmy scored in the early minutes of first half but subsequently due to lapse in concentration, we gave in three goals in a row and ended behind 1 - 3 at half time.

After debriefing during the break, we reorganised and displayed a superb performance at second half by coming back with two goals through Spencer and Mun (guest player).

We created countless chances at the second half. Our super-sub striker Casey had alone missed out three golden scoring opportunities, with two of them were ONE TO ONE with the goalkeeper.

Players like Grant, Wan, Spencer and Adrian also missed out a few good scoring opportunities.

The return of Michale has strenghten and stabilised our defensive combatibility. He also brought in a few distinguished guest players with the purpose of raising our overall standard, especially the dynamic and skillful Last Man.

Players attended the game - Adrian, Casey, Chee Toong, Chin Seng, Edmond, Grant, Jimmy, Lim Yong, Michael, Siew, Spencer, Wan. Guest players - Mun, James, Goh, Michin.

Scorer - Jimmy, Spencer, Mun (guest)

不经一番寒刺骨, 那得梅花扑鼻香.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please read my comments in Alpha photo Tampines SAFRA