Hello Brother Takt Quees!!! 加油!!!
This is Choe Choke Marina!. Yes you will be happy to know that I can speak your local dialects "Knee how ma? 你好吗? " or "Hoe Boh? 好无?" and make you feel at home all thanks to Patrick's intensive course on "How to speak like Ah Beng in 6 weeks"
This is Choe Choke Marina!. Yes you will be happy to know that I can speak your local dialects "Knee how ma? 你好吗? " or "Hoe Boh? 好无?" and make you feel at home all thanks to Patrick's intensive course on "How to speak like Ah Beng in 6 weeks"
I will do my best to offer you guys some tips that will help you/your team in your future games.
Bare in mind,
Patrick has given me as you may say "Kong Ka Liao 讲够了" infact a fairly good idea of every player in the team, your strengths especially. No point talking about your Weakness cause, the only person that can help you in your weakness is " YOURSELF". I can only help those who wants or has the passion to improve.
So here goes tip number 1. - The Forward Pass
One of the biggest things lacking in soccer these days, especially at the youth level, is the willingness and ability to switch the field of play with the long driven pass.
Refer - Pic 1
Most players (Siew/Choon Seng), in this situation will play the ball to the right back and then have that player (Adrian/Loy)) play the ball forward to the right midfielder (Wan).
Refer - Pic 2
While there is nothing wrong with this (some might argue it's dangerous to pass the ball in front of the goal but it's a back pass and if the player is open and has skill, I don't consider this to be risky) it is a slow way to switch the ball. The alternative is the driven ball straight to the right midfielder
Refer - Pic 3
The advantage of this pass is it gets the ball switched and changes the point of attack much quicker than the two pass method.
The disadvantage is it requires the back to be able to drive a ball 40 yards and for the outside midfielder to be able to receive the ball.
The key to receiving a ball in this situation is to get your body behind the ball and have your body be perpendicular to the path of the ball. When the ball is played on the ground, the receiving player will want to open their body to receive the ball and have the ball going in the attacking direction with the first touch. See the diagram below for an example
Refer - Pic 4
However, when the ball is driven in the air, the receiving player can not afford to open their body and instead must keep it perpendicular to the flight of the ball until contact is made. This allows the receiver to make contact with as large a part of their body (chest, thigh or head) as possible to have the best chance of success.
As the ball makes contact with the player, the player wants to cushion the ball by pulling back to keep the ball close to their body.In the same way that the only way to get better at playing a long driven ball is to practice it, the only way to get better at receiving the long driven ball is to practice it.
Concentrate on getting your body behind the ball, perpendicular to the flight of the path and cushion the ball and it will enable your team to switch the point of attack much quicker and more effectively.
Hi, I think our problem lie in the way that we used to play at Park C.No player come forward to pick up or ask for ball.
The mid-field player are running all over the shop, when coming down to defense, the do not do man marking but ball watching.
Th forward are expecting the ball pump to them but are not skillful to have a good finishing.
We do not build up our attack,no teamwork because we do not cover each other position. If you are the backs, you are not to move forward for attack.
There must be a understanding of switching position between one another if there is a need.
I suggest we reshuffle some position of some player.
Thank you
Mr Marina,
Thanks for your tips.
One of our problem is our overall weak fundamentals in skill, fitness and knowledge which bring down our executing, adjusting combating and lasting ability during the game.
We do need to start and practise from basics. No Terry or Lampard with us, what we have are Simon, Spencer, Clement, Lloyd etc. which are unfamilar names in EPL.
Please align your expectation and continue to tip and guide us into the next level.
Thank you. 谢谢! 谢谢讲华语! 你很棒!
If we can pass the ball within a triangle...ie 3 players supporting each other.... this will help greatly. we need to run into space but within the triangle.
It is ok for defencer to attack but if he can't come back....lack stamina....i think he better stay behind and not leave gap behind.
Hey all,I would say that we should play/build up simple passing game with players supporting each others & running into positions as well.Such plays will get confidence of us moving ahead.Can try about 7-8 passes each time,so our players will get more part to play with.Confidence always build up when u r involve in a way or another..just like goalie,the more he got into action,the more confidence he is. I do not encourage long driven pass as we are still not at it yet...very tiring as we do not have fit & fast wingers.Let's play ball then!
Hello Takt Quee Kakis, Choe Coke Marina Speaks!
Yes brothers.... " Loong Chong Tiok" i.e. all correct in your comments.
My first tip is meant for a team who has basics. But again, its only basics and confidence like Brother Des said which will boost the team.
I have noted your feedback. " Kum Siah...!" Watch out for my next tip.
Ah Beng Marina signing out.
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