Friday, October 31, 2008

Alpha Inspiration - Imperfect Question

Before starting the lesson, a Science teacher casually asked his class a question "Do any of you know what is infront a woman and behind a cow?"

Immediately, the clueless expression from most of the student indicated that they felt the question was not a valid one and the teacher was going to tell them a joke.

One student, nevertheless, stand up and asked "Is it a science question?" Another asked "Is it a joke related type question?" The third one said "Teacher, I don't find anything in common in the two places."

Looking serious, the teacher replied "It might not be a very well defined question, but let comes up with a possible, rational answer that closely satisfy the question."

After a pause, a little girl who always obey and faithful to the teacher said softly " W - infront a Women and behind a coW."

In our daily life, we also constantly dealt with similar ill defined question that being asked by the teacher, be it raised by our own or others ie our boss. With OPEN HEART and OPEN MIND, we should take those question positively and attempt to come up with a CLOSE ANSWER rather than reject it outright.

In many instances, there is no perfect question or perfect answer, as there is always room for improvement. Indeed, some great invention derived from silly question. This is evidenced in the technology we are enjoying now, for example from the traditional fixed line phone to mobile, internet phone.

Don't get too agitated and defensive when there is adverse response, irritating query or conflicting opinion as it will hinder us from knowing the question further and its various alternate answer. With trust, patience and faith, it will be an encouraging option to understand each other concern and help one another in a constructive way so that collectively we ALL can improve on a daily basis.

"三人行, 必有我师, 择其善者而从之, 其不善者而改之" - one can always find a teacher among a group of people who you can learn something from. Learn the good thing and remember the bad thing to avoid repeating it in yourself.

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