Friday, November 7, 2008

Alpha Inspiration - The Boxing Champ

The heavyweight boxing champ was strolling in the park with his girlfriend when a robber accosted them. The famous fighter gave in to the thief's demand for his wallet.

Later, the girlfriend asked, "Didn't it occur to you to save the situation by going for him?"

The boxer said, "The wallet contained one thousand dollars, and on principle I never fight for under ten million."

Each of us has a ruler in our heart for measuring things we do or wouldn't do.

Not too quick to judge one another ruler based on prima facie incidents as each has his own right and reason of forming his prefer length of ruler.

However, we might need to consider that, throughout our journey of life, our ruler should not always remain stagnant and rigid, do give it some room and flexibility to expand.

"横看成岭侧成峰, 远近高低各不同, 不识庐山真面目......."

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